
Elijah, an Utility, based in Oklahoma City, has 1 Utility credit and 1 Craft Service credit, and has been a member since 2013.


9/10 – 11/10

Utility The Rock 'n' Roll Dreams of Duncan Christopher

Film (Feature-length) — Hearth Creative/Tandem Arts Details
9/10 – 11/10

-Served as communication facilitator between the various elements involved in the production -Ensured that producers have the necessary materials prior to editing/audio sessions or shoots. -Distributed paper documents, scripts and communication-systems through the set during the filming process -Prevented any unauthorized elements on the set.

2/10 – 4/10

Craft Service Pearl

Film (Feature-length) — CHICKASAW NATION/ MEDIA 13 Details
2/10 – 4/10

Minimal shopping required -- mainly on-set duties such as set-up and maintenance of craft services table throughout day.


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Langston University
