Daniel Tuttel's Profile on Staff Me Up

Daniel Tuttel

Los Angeles, CA



I am hardworking, loyal, fun, and have a huge passion for the entertainment industry. I appreciate any chance to learn, grow, and add from and to any company I work for.


12/13 – 12/13

Production Assistant The Voice (Season 7)

NBC — TV Details
12/13 – 12/13

I Registered Contestants at the Auditions, I also help set-up and tear down the audition rooms and waiting rooms. I made sure to assist with any additional duties needed.

6/12 – 7/12

Production Assistant The Voice Auditions (Season 4)

NBC — TV — NBC Universal Details
6/12 – 7/12

Kept talent informed and energized while they waited in line and was asked to entertain the talent who were waiting in holding rooms . Communicated necessary information from the producers to the talent and other members of the audition staff. Worked as part of a team frequently taking a leadership position.


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