
Karina, a Casting Assistant, based in Los Angeles, has 2 Casting Assistant credits and 1 Assistant Producer credit, and has been a member since 2014.


9/14 – 10/14

Casting Assistant Fired Up with Bob Irwin (Season 1)

Citytv — TV Details
9/14 – 10/14

prepared all audition materials, such as copies of sheet music, script excerpts, and contact forms,

8/14 – 9/14

Assistant Producer Betrothed

Film (Feature-length) — Red Cardinal Films Details
8/14 – 9/14

attended production meetings; typed, edited, copied scripts; organized travel arrangements for cast, crew and production executives; organised accommodation for cast and crew; assisted cast members, and at times was running errands for them; running errands between the production office and other departments; took care of accounts and expenses

7/14 – 8/14

Casting Assistant The Crescent

Film (Feature-length) — Red Cardinal Films Details
7/14 – 8/14

schedule appointments and audition sessions, coordinating logistics with the directorial clients, the casting venue, and actors’ agents

8/13 – 9/13

Assistant Director (Theater play) Tattoo by Jane Martin

Live/Special Event — CSN Performing Arts Details
8/13 – 9/13

Coordinated and conducted understudy and put-in rehearsals. Acted as liaison between theater staff and director. Supervised script preparation, maintenance, and distribution for all productions. Gave touch-up notes after a production has opened. Took an especially active role in the casting of ensemble actors and understudies.


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Class of '10

Lunacharsky State Institute for Theatre Arts (GITIS)

Dramatic Arts


  • Directing
  • Acting
  • and dramatic criticism