
Looking for opportunities to handle various roles of jobs involved in and to become a pivotal member of the production team. Dependable problem solver who can deliver expected results as part of a team or an individual contributor. Starbucks proficient =)


6/08 – 9/08

Production Assistant Diversity Project

Film (Short) Details
6/08 – 9/08

Assisted in various roles related to production Served as communication facilitator between the various elements involved in the production on the set – Performed all tasks, on and off set, as required by actor/director/producer to their complete satisfaction. Ensured that producers have the necessary materials prior to editing/audio sessions or shoots. Distributed paper documents, scripts and communication-systems through the set during the filming process – Supplied and maintained ever-ready stock of supplementary material. Prevented any unauthorized elements on the set, or any interference with the shooting process.


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Class of '08

KD Actors Conservatory

Associate of Applied Arts


  • multi-tasker
  • Dependable
  • Adaptable