
Maggie, an Intern, based in New York, has 2 Intern credits, and has been a member since 2017.


1/17 – 1/18

Intern Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Season 4)

HBO — TV — CBS Television Studios Details
1/17 – 1/18

-Organized writer's and researcher's story pitches daily -Gather clips and articles to assist senior researchers -Work reception, including answering calls, distributing mail, and welcoming guests -Collaborate on long term projects with fellow interns, production assistants, producers, and researchers

8/16 – 12/16

Intern Conan (Season 7)

TBS — TV — Conaco Productions Details
8/16 – 12/16

-Assisted production department with daily tasks -Worked directly with producers to make sure the show ran smoothly each day -Transcribed monologues and bits from other late night comedy shows


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Class of '17

Emerson College

BA in Visual and Media Arts, Political Science Minor