
Meg, an Associate Producer, based in Oakland, has 2 Associate Producer credits, and has been a member since 2015.


6/15 – 7/15

Associate Producer Behind the Screams (Season 1)

Reelz — TV — Hoff Productions Details
6/15 – 7/15

Booking Picture Cars, Helping with Wardrobe on set, Set stills and wrangling talent and extras.

9/14 – 6/15

Associate Producer What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Season 1)

Science Channel — TV — Hoff Productions Details
9/14 – 6/15

Started as a PA and then moved to up AP. Researched science and building elements of 2 Episodes. Found locations, pulled permits and worked with the art department to build for the story lines. Handled logistics between built elements, talent and crew on set during filming.


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