
Michelle, a Hair/Makeup Combo, based in Las Vegas, has 1 Hair/Makeup Combo credit and 1 Key Makeup Artist credit, and has been a member since 2014.


7/13 – 10/13

Hair/Makeup Combo Eye Handy

YouTube — Digital Details
7/13 – 10/13

Hair & makeup for "How to wrap your bands for MMA with Alex", "How to chill warm beer with Stephanie", "How to make a liquor bottle lamp with Alex", "6 yoga poses with Stephanie", "The most epic pizza making you will ever see"

9/11 – 9/11

Key Makeup Artist Parallel Misdirection

Film (Feature-length)
9/11 – 9/11
8/11 – 8/11

Makeup Artist J. Ax - Domenica de Coma

Music Video Details
8/11 – 8/11

Special FX makeup on some of the extras and band members, turning them into zombies.


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Class of '11

Makeup Designory
