
I'm probably one of the more pragmatic people you're bound to work with. I'm modest in my achievements and yet take my work very seriously. I don't run away from any task, big or small, and know how to tell a joke while getting the job done.


11/10 – 1/11

Screenwriter Misdirection

Film (Feature-length) Details
11/10 – 1/11

I worked with the director to help him condense his story into a tellable short. I also crewed as a P.A. on set during most of the shooting. Indie film making at it's best.

5/10 – 9/10

Researcher Mad Men (Season 4)

AMC — TV — Lionsgate Details
5/10 – 9/10

I researched various things from the 1960s era for the writers, ranging from photographs of period props to facts and articles involving events and companies of that decade. I was also charged with keeping the kitchen clean, and the occasional office runs (lunch or other)

1/09 – 2/09

Production Assistant Kung Fu Man

Film (Feature-length) Details
1/09 – 2/09

Wrangling cables. Laying dolly track. Setting up lights and running every and any odd job on set.


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Class of '12

Columbia College Hollywood

B.F.A. in Screenwriting
Class of '07

Santa Monica College

A.A. in Accounting & Business Practices