
Sabrina, a Stunt Actor, based in Riverside, has 1 Stunt Actor credit and 1 Intern credit, and has been a member since 2013.


6/13 – 6/13

Stunt Actor Russel Simmons Youtube Channel (Pilot)

YouTube — TV Details
6/13 – 6/13

Actor for Russel Simmon's youtube channel in a short film called "Ratchet Moms"

1/13 – 6/13

Intern Swing! The Documentary

A&E Details
1/13 – 6/13

Interning for Swing! The Documentary under director/producer Susan Glatzer. Transcribing hours of documentary/interview footage and logging on Final Cut Pro.


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Class of '13

University of California, Riverside

Bachelor of Arts in Theatre with a concentration in filmmaking