Aria Yeganegi's Profile on Staff Me Up

Aria Yeganegi

Los Angeles, CA


Aria, an Assistant to Executive Producer, based in Los Angeles, has 1 Assistant to Executive Producer credit and 1 Assistant to Producer credit, and has been a member since 2014.


4/13 – 8/13

Assistant to Executive Producer Pacific Rim

Film (Feature-length) — Warner Bros / Legendary Pictures Details
4/13 – 8/13

Business and Personal assistant to Callum Greene. Handled all scheduling, travel, expense reports, etc. Researched historical events and locations for upcoming production Crimson Peak for Director and Production Designer, Tom Sanders, and prepared displays for studio development presentations. Reviewed budgeting plans and checked for errors / need of any changes.

5/12 – 2/13

Assistant to Producer Indian Paintbrush Productions

Film (Feature-length) — Indian Paintbrush Productions Details
5/12 – 2/13

Provided administrative support to creative executives, and general office assistance during post-production of Moonrise Kingdom and Not Fade Away. Primary responsibility was assistant work and script analysis and writing coverage.


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