Gabbiy Ramirez's Profile on Staff Me Up

Gabbiy Ramirez

Los Angeles, CA


Gabbiy, a Set Decorator, based in Los Angeles, has 1 Set Decorator credit and 1 Makeup Artist credit, and has been a member since 2014.


10/13 – 10/13

Set Decorator (Special FX Make-up Artist) Highway To Hell

N/A Details
10/13 – 10/13

I volunteered to help a local church set up their maze. It was a family house which led to Hell . I have also worked as a Visual Merchandiser, which is like Set Decorating but for a store. There are more rules and regulations, but it was a great learning experience

6/13 – 6/13

Makeup Artist Belasco Wild Night

Live/Special Event Details
6/13 – 6/13

I was in charge of completing the "Jungle Themed" make-up on about 10 girls.


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