
I moved to Los Angeles after ten years in Philadelphia in the non-profit performing arts, and am launching a career in film & television as a producer and director.


9/16 – 12/16

Editor More Happy

Film (Short)
9/16 – 12/16
10/16 – 10/16

Production Assistant Innocence

Film (Short) Details
10/16 – 10/16

On-set PA.

3/16 – 10/16

Director More Happy

Film (Short)
3/16 – 10/16
1/16 – 3/16

Development More Happy

Film (Short) Details
1/16 – 3/16

Gave notes on multiple drafts of a script and helped writer/producer move from an adaptation to a script inspired by source material.

1/08 – 1/15


Staff Position — Plays & Players Theatre Details
1/08 – 1/15

-Led non-profit organization, in charge of all programs, marketing, development, public relations, budgeting, staff management, and customer service. During tenure, oversaw more than doubling of operating budget, increased annual foundation giving by 500%, and expanded staff from .5 FTE (full time equivalent) to 4 FTE. -Served as voice and face of organization in every facet from daily communication phone and on-site with vendors & customers to welcome speeches at major events. Created prospect lists; contacted potential community partners and clients; managed ticketing software; implemented phone, internet and on-site customer service; and produced community events including play productions, family educational programs, and social gatherings -Wrote, designed, and distributed e-blasts, press releases, website, and social media; maintained and updated contact databases; wrote and organized grant submissions; wrote agendas, took minutes, and co-ordinated meetings. -Managed office space including phones, scheduling, email communication, and ordering office supplies

1/08 – 1/15


Staff Position — Plays & Players Details
1/08 – 1/15

As the Producing Artistic Director of a theater company, I developed, produced, and frequently directed nine world premiere new plays in six years, including "The Disappearing Quarterback", the real life story of former Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Mike Boryla and why he walked away from the game after his third concussion. I created the EAR (Emerging Artists in Residence) program which helped develop the work of 13 playwrights through a eight month program of experimentation and collaboration. I co-created "30/30/1", a full day conference in conjunction with NoPassport’s national reading festival, a celebration of new plays by US Latina/o playwrights with a panel conversation to discuss how to promote more Latina/o theater in Philadelphia with local guests (keynote address by Pulitzer Prize winner Quiara Hudes). As a freelance theater director, I frequently worked on new plays both in the development stage and in production.

1/07 – 1/10


Staff Position — International Performing Arts for Youth Details
1/07 – 1/10

-As first employee of intl. service organization, built administrative options from inception point, including setting up office space and all systems from supply management to calendar management to general operations -Organized and ran Annual Showcase Conference, co-ordinating, answering questions, and processing paperwork of 400 attendees, producing 30 selected professional performances for young audiences from around the world & managing hall with nearly 100 exhibitors in an annual four day event. -Co-wrote and implemented complete redesign of IPAY’s website and first two successful national grants. -Maintained monthly budgeting and database entry on Quickbooks; wrote, designed, and distributed e-blasts, press releases, website, and social media


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Class of '14

Wharton School

Executive Certificate in Designing Leadership (co-led by IBM)
Class of '03

Vassar College

B.A. Film


  • Producing
  • Directing
  • Development
  • organization
  • Leadership
  • Acting
  • Strategic Planning
  • Script development