Emily Pelland's Profile on Staff Me Up

Emily Pelland

Wheeling, WV



Emily Pelland is an award-winning multimedia storyteller who primarily focuses on nuanced documentary filmmaking. Her skills include video/photo/audio/writing production and editing, and creating Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality content.


1/17 – 8/18

Co-Producer WWI Through the Eyes of the Chicago Defender (2018)

Mobile Virtual Reality — Film (Short) — Dr. Joel Beeson, Reed College of Media Details
1/17 – 8/18

Create videos using archival footage and 360 images of present day to create a Google Expedition, which is used as a supplemental instruction for classroom grades 8-12.

4/15 – 8/15

Co-Producer Fractured Tour: A Tour of Selma's Divides (2015)

Mobile Virtual Reality — Film (Short) — Dr. Joel Beeson, Reed College of Media Details
4/15 – 8/15

-Interview residents and visitors of Selma, AL. and created videos for the VR experience to show life in the town as it is today.


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