
Anthony, a Cinematographer, based in Orlando, has 1 Cinematographer credit and 1 Producer credit, and has been a member since 2015.


12/14 – 5/15

Cinematographer Uncontrolled Powers

Film (Short) — Project Xeno Productions Details
12/14 – 5/15

Assist with artistic directions of shot types and angles, executing steadicam shots as well as various other shots seen in the production.

12/14 – 5/15

Producer Uncontrolled Powers

Film (Short) — Project Xeno Productions Details
12/14 – 5/15

Organizing scheduling for the production including call times and meetings. Overseeing and acquiring costumes and all props and verifying cast attendance.

12/14 – 5/15

Assistant Director Uncontrolled Powers

Film (Short) — Project Xeno Productions Details
12/14 – 5/15

Assisting the director with all of the filming scenes while maintaining the direction, continuity of the story plot as well as fight choreography and cinematography.

12/14 – 5/15

Stunt Actor Uncontrolled Powers

Film (Short) — Project Xeno Productions Details
12/14 – 5/15

Played the lead role of a character who was chased down by a secret government organization and ultimately battles through the ranks of agents leading to unleashing a super human power.

1/09 – 1/09

Extras Casting Gutter King

Film (Feature-length) — UFO Technologies Details
1/09 – 1/09

Played the role of a stunt fighter who gets beaten. Played an additional role of another stunt fighter who gets his face smashed into the ground repeatedly.


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Class of '15

Seminole State College

Multimedia and Cinema Production