Kelly Larson's Profile on Staff Me Up

Kelly Larson

Los Angeles, CA


Knowledgeable and experienced graduate seeking an assistant position within the Entertainment Industry. Background in development and pre-production from well known companies. Exceptional creative and writing skills with great feedback for original ideas.


1/13 – 5/13

Co-Producer (Writer) Geni

Film (Feature-length) Details
1/13 – 5/13

Organized pre production, crew positions, and location scouting. Also helped out on set when needed as a grip or camera assistant. Provided assistance in securing all permits and basic production needs.

8/12 – 12/12

Co-Producer Ruth and Company

Film (Feature-length) Details
8/12 – 12/12

Helped develop and produce the 10 minute short film directed by Katie Micay. Saw to it that permits were obtained for the shoot and any on-set help was provided. Secured a crew and helped out with craft services and organization on set.

1/12 – 5/12

Co-Producer Spring Cleaning

Film (Feature-length) Details
1/12 – 5/12

Organized crew and helped set up for production on set. Helped obtain permits and organize pre-production in terms of story development and script lock. Organized breakdowns and DOOD sheets. Also approved budget and see to it that the set ran smoothly.

1/12 – 5/12

Co-Producer My Mom is a Pickle

Film (Feature-length) — Sky is Falling Productions Details
1/12 – 5/12

Helped with casting and pre-production for the 10 minute short film directed by Mel Guel. Secured all crew members and helped with organizing the scheduling and filming. On set, acted as a PA in terms of set needs and any errands to be ran.

1/12 – 5/12

Co-Producer Limited Engagement

Film (Feature-length) Details
1/12 – 5/12

Saw the pre-production and script lock of the short film directed by Katie Micay. Helped organize the breakdown and DOOD for the entire three day shoot. Helped secure crew and organize budget. Also helped send in film for festivals where it has been recognized.

9/11 – 12/11

Co-Producer Breaking Shy

Film (Feature-length) Details
9/11 – 12/11

Secured permits and put together crew for the 7 minute short film. Helped out on set with crafty and any errands that needed to be ran.


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