Isabel Castro's Profile on Staff Me Up

Isabel Castro

New York, NY


Isabel, a Director, based in New York, has 1 Director credit and 1 Producer credit, and has been a member since 2014.


9/12 – 8/14

Director (Producer) Crossing Over

TV — Crossing Over Details
9/12 – 8/14

- Director of feature length documentary about transgender immigrants seeking political asylum - Raised over $30,000 for the budget through crowdfunding and donors - Writing and co-editing the film with Adobe Premier and Final Cut Pro - In charge of drafting and maintaining a production schedule

11/13 – 4/14

Producer Symposium

Film (Feature-length) Details
11/13 – 4/14

- Producer of short film starring Sarah Steele - Oversaw Production Assistants, managed budget, equipment rentals, assembled crew


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