
Jairo, a Director, based in Dallas, has 3 Director credits and 1 First Assistant Director credit, and has been a member since 2022.


12/22 – 12/22

Director Interview 1CU4W47UAR

Film (Short) Details
12/22 – 12/22

I helped the actors get into character. I also helped the Lighting team by explaining my vision.

11/22 – 11/22

First Assistant Director The Reunion

Film (Short) Details
11/22 – 11/22

I helped make sure Production was running on time. I also helped make sure that the Camera and Lighting department were working together along with the Talent.

9/22 – 9/22

Director The Power of My Fist Knows No Equal

Film (Short) — Rent A Studio Productions, LledRoc Productions, Masked Director Productions Details
9/22 – 9/22

I helped the actors get into character and lead the Lighting department in what I wanted to see on the screen.

8/22 – 9/22

Director Salsa 666

Film (Short) — Rent A Studio Productions, LledRoc Productions, Masked Director Productions Details
8/22 – 9/22

I directed the film. I helped the actors get into Character as well as lead the lighting to make sure it fit the theme we were shooting.

4/22 – 4/22

First Assistant Camera The Ballad of Jane

Film (Short) — The Little Black Dog Films, Ryder Films Details
4/22 – 4/22

I was AC to Camera B


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Class of '12

Keiser University

Associates Degree in Criminal Justice