
LaVelle, a Field Producer, based in Los Angeles, has 1 Field Producer credit and 2 Associate Producer credits, and has been a member since 2018.


3/18 – 3/19

Field Producer The Contender (Season 5)

ESPN — TV — MGM Television Details
3/18 – 3/19

The position includes a wide range of responsibilities, including writing and creating content, communicating with supervisors and subordinates, coordinating between multiple departments, editing, and directing. On occasion, the associate producer may be required to create relevant content for social media outlets.

2/10 – 4/18

Associate Producer

Staff Position — IRON Productions Details
2/10 – 4/18

My duties included organizing production personnel, coordinating set construction, operating a teleprompter, supervising lighting or sound plans and editing scripts. Other duties: *Assisting the Producer, Executive Producer or Co-Producer *Helping to raise money to finance productions *Supervising different stages of the production process raise funding read, research and assess ideas and finished scripts *Commission writers or secure the rights to novels, plays or screenplays build and develop a network of contacts *Liaise and discuss projects with financial backers - projects can range from a small, corporate video costing 1 Millions to a multimillion-pound-budget Hollywood feature film use computer software packages for screenwriting, budgeting, and scheduling *Hire key staff, including a director and a crew to shoot programs, films or videos *Control the budget and allocate resources pull together all the strands of creative and practical talent involved in the ensure compliance with relevant regulations, codes of practice and health and safety laws.

2/10 – 2/11

Associate Producer Chasing Love (Pilot)

TV One — TV
2/10 – 2/11



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Class of '05


Business Management


  • Leadership
  • Team work
  • Hard Work