
I have over 17 years of experience in makeup artistry for film, photo, video, and television - from simple "camera ready" makeup to SFX. See my full recent credits and samples of work at


9/17 – 9/17

Hair/Makeup Combo (Head of Department) Milagro

Wells Fargo — Advertising — Acento Details
9/17 – 9/17

Head of HMU, 2 principals, 10 extras. 1 assistant. Natural "no makeup" makeups.

8/17 – 8/17

Makeup Department Head (SFX included) The Conservationist

Film (Short) Details
8/17 – 8/17

Create character makeups, create an arrow to the chest gag, makeup for decaying body over a period of time.

8/17 – 8/17

Makeup Department Head (Headed team of 4, including sfx) Zeta Potato (Working title until released this November)

Film (Short) — Asylum Entertainment Details
8/17 – 8/17

Hired team, distributed rates, distributed kit fees, worked within budget to acquire supplies, worked up each character (each of which had to have a makeup designed to match a video game character exactly) within each scene with the director, held a meeting with overlapping department heads for scenes where we would need to coordinate, scheduled and kept track of team timesheets and expenses, contacted talent to determine any needs prepro, stocked and prepared trailer, briefed team on each day and each character's HMU/SFX needs, positioned team members on set, one at monitor one close to action at all times, communicated with AD, director, and client at all times, maintained continuity, maintained sanitary practices, cleaned up and reset trailer and set bags at the end of each day with team, maintained and turned in continuity file for production.

7/17 – 7/17

Makeup Department Head (SFX included, build a wound, change it throughout 24 hours of healing) What is Done

Film (Short) Details
7/17 – 7/17

Create character makeups, create and maintain realistic wound and it's healing process.

6/17 – 6/17

Hair/Makeup Combo (Location days in Montana, 3) Final Appeal (Pilot)

NBC — TV — Peacock Productions Details
6/17 – 6/17

Makeup on the two principals and additional guests.


  • Montana Film Society



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My Gear

  • All top of the line products for HD productions
  • Chair and cases ready for work anywhere


  • Character makeup
  • Clean makeup
  • Department Head
  • "No makeup" makeup
  • Couture makeup
  • Managing teams of artists
  • SFX character makeup
  • SFX wounds