Sara Eckhardt's Profile on Staff Me Up

Sara Eckhardt

Syracuse, NY


Sara, an Intern, based in Syracuse, has 1 Intern credit and 1 Production Assistant credit, and has been a member since 2014.


6/14 – 6/15


CNN On-Air Promotion — Advertising Details
6/14 – 6/15

- Produced/wrote weekly topicals for CNN International's "Inside Africa" - Produced rough cuts using Finalcut Pro 7 - AP for HLN's "The Killer Next Door - Location Scouting - Set Production Assistant - AP for TWA Flight 800 documentary promo - Wrote ticker and anchor copy - Participated on editing sessions

6/14 – 6/14

Production Assistant (Witnessed: TWA Flight 800 )

CNN On-Air Promotion — Advertising Details
6/14 – 6/14

- Wrote ticker and anchor copy scripts - Assisted in the editing process - Pulled necessary media and b-roll


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