bob (robert) sergi's Profile on Staff Me Up

bob (robert) sergi

Boston, MA


bob (robert), a Leadman, based in Boston, has 1 Leadman credit and 1 Production Manager credit, and has been a member since 2013.


5/13 – 6/13

Leadman (actor /assistant production manager ) 12 rounds for the loaded 48hr film festival

Film (Feature-length) — bloody Hammer films Details
5/13 – 6/13

actor assistant production manager set design

5/13 – 5/13

Production Manager (actor /assistant production manager ) 12 rounds for the loaded 48hr film festival

Film (Feature-length) — bloody Hammer films Details
5/13 – 5/13

I was one of the lead actors in the short film for the 48 Hour Film Fest I was Logan the guy on the motorcycle also I was assistant production manager and actor in a feature-length film called honkey Holocaust my responsibilities creating sets


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