Thomas Szymanski's Profile on Staff Me Up

Thomas Szymanski

Los Angeles, CA


Time for a change. An actor who is seeking to grow his knowledge of production on set. Hard-working, no-nonsense, mid-western guy. Want to learn from all departments and willing to start at the bottom.


5/16 – 5/17

Producer Room&Bored (Season 1)

TV — 10/28 Productions
5/16 – 5/17
5/16 – 5/17

Writer Room&Bored (Season 1)

TV — 10/28 Productions Details
5/16 – 5/17

I cowrote, developed, acted in, produced, and edited promos.

5/15 – 6/16

Production Assistant Tall Boys (Pilot)

TV — Get Some Productions
5/15 – 6/16


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