Zachary Vaudo's Profile on Staff Me Up

Zachary Vaudo

Marietta, GA


Zachary, an Executive Producer (EP), based in Marietta, has 1 Executive Producer (EP) credit and 1 Director credit, and has been a member since 2013.


10/11 – 5/13

Executive Producer (EP) Uncanny X-Men Series (Season 2)

Internet — Digital — Throwback Studioz Details
10/11 – 5/13

Helped to cast roles, oversee production of episodes, scout locations, managed crews Also: directed four episodes, wrote two episodes, acted in multiple episodes

6/11 – 1/12

Director Company

Film (Feature-length) — Asylum Entertainment Details
6/11 – 1/12

Created film concept, scripted and directed, cast roles, scouted locations, edited film


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